You may not like Tavmjong’s dry technical style of writing, but he is extremely thorough, and for years it was pretty much the only comprehensive guide to Inkscape. The book works best as a reference rather than a user guide. Even though Tav is very busy with working on Inkscape and participating at the SVG W3C working group’s activities, he does his best at maintaining it. The online version of “Inkscape: Guide to a Vector Drawing Program” book by Tavmjong Bah is probably the only exception where you get up-to-date material. Nevertheless, while there’s always a ton of improvements in each Inkscape release, all basics are the same even 10 years later, and many advanced techniques are the same as well.

Writing a book usually takes at least half a year, and publishers want to be sure that people who buy the book will actually have the software to go along with (it’s why there aren’t many new GIMP books, too). It has a lot to do with how book publishing works, and also with a 5 years long period between 0.48 released in 2009 and v0.91 released in 2015. One thing that has to be immediately pointed out is that most books on Inkscape are somewhat outdated and cover v0.47 and v0.48 (all books published by Packtpub, in particular). That said, if you think I missed a useful Inkscape educational resource (the popular expression seems to be ‘you forgot’), please do link to it in the comments section! The list also covers only the resources in English.

This basically means that I watched and read almost everything there is to watch and read, and then made up my mind if I think it’s worth recommending. Please note that I compiled this list based on my own criteria of usefulness. So this is an attempt to a definitive guide to various learning resources on Inkscape, free/libre vector graphics editor As someone who maintains social media accounts for a few free/libre software projects, one of the top questions I keep being asked is how/where to learn using this or that application.